Emmaus Groups are small groups of people who meet mid-week for fellowship, prayer and bible study. Belonging to a small group is immensely encouraging as we seek to walk with Jesus day by day. It's also helpful for getting to know people better and for building up a sense of belonging within Emmanuel.
Each Emmaus Group has its own distinct character. The Emmaus Group year follows a common pattern:
in the autumn all the Emmaus Groups will follow the same theme, but using materials of their choosing and in their preferred style
in the spring term the sermons in church and what the Emmaus groups study will be based on a book to be chosen the clergy
in the summer term each group will be free to choose whatever they want to do and how
Over a term the pattern of meetings will consist of:
regular meetings to pray, worship and study the bible together
social events – including an event once a term which includes children, wider family, friends
some form of service to Emmanuel and outreach to the wider community
There are a number of Emmaus groups meeting at various times during the week. If you'd like to join an Emmaus group please let Ali know on ali@emmanuel-loughborough.org